Advent marks the beginning of the liturgical calendar. It consists of the four Sundays leading up to Christmas.
In the Catholic Church, Christmas is more than one day – it is a season that begins on Christmas Eve (Dec. 24), continues through the Feast of the Epiphany and includes the Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God . Christmastide concludes with the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord in January.
The forty days of Lent is reminiscent of Jesus’ forty days in the desert. Lent is a season of repentance and renewal in solidarity with those preparing for the Sacraments of Initiation to be received at Easter. Lent begins on Ash Wednesday and continues until the Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday.
The Triduum is the most important three days in the liturgical year. Holy Thursday (which commemorates the Last Supper), Good Friday (which commemorates Jesus’ crucifixion and death on the cross), and Holy Saturday (where the Church pauses to commemorate the Lord’s burial). The Easter Vigil is celebrated on Holy Saturday night when new members of the faith receive the Sacraments of Initiation and are welcomed into the Church.
Alleluia – He is Risen! The Easter season celebrates Christ’s resurrection from the dead, his victory over death. Christ’s Ascension into heaven is celebrated on the 7th Sunday after Easter. Eastertide concludes at Pentecost, where Jesus sends the Holy Spirit upon the apostles to spread the Gospel to all nations.
The season of Ordinary Time explores Christ’s mission and message through the Gospels. This season includes Trinity Sunday (which celebrates God’s self revelation as a Trinity of Persons) and Corpus Christi (which celebrates the Body and Blood of Jesus in the Eucharist). Ordinary Time concludes with the Solemnity of Christ the King which brings the liturgical year to a close.
Christ's great commission was to "Go make Disciples of all Nations". In Latin the word for disciple simply means student. We are all called to be disciples or students of Jesus. Here at Holy Family we understand the value of Education and how important it is to make our world a better place. There are many pillars to our faith and the social teaching of the Church, but it seems to be well summarized by the following four pillars: Human Dignity, every human is valued by God from the first moment of conception to natural death, Religious Liberty, real faith can only be lived in the context of freedom, we profound respect everyone's faith, Solidarity, we are all one in the family of humanity and we strive to see everyone as a brother and sister, and lastly Subsidiarity, this simply means we try and empower our students to be pro-active and try and solve problems that are most near to them. We are called to recognize the face of Christ in everyone we meet. If we do that, there is a chance they may recognize Christ in us!
Victim Assistance
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If you or someone you know is the victim of sexual misconduct or abuse by a member of the clergy or anyone ministering on behalf of the Church, we are here to help and listen. As part of our ongoing care for victims of sexual misconduct and abuse, we offer pastoral support and counseling.
We pledge to listen, support, investigate, and follow our policies and procedures outlined by the bishop. Please contact civil authorities and the diocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator.
Jodi Marlin
Victim Assistance Coordinator
Phone: (260) 399-1447