
 Holy Family Catholic Parish
  South Bend, Indiana


Mass Times


Religious Education

Loving Christ, Loving Others

  Our parish mission is:
"Guiding Families to Pursue the Truth and Live it"

   Our Vision is: Holy Family Parish, following the example of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, will create a welcoming environment ot foster a deeper understanding of our mission as followers of Christ, where we gather to worship God, aspire to learn all that is true, and share it through our interaction with our local community, our world, our students and all the members of our parish.

Register in our Parish Now About Us

Our Vision

Holy Family Parish, following the example of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, will create a welcoming environment to foster a deeper understanding of our mission as followers of Christ, where we gather to worship God, aspire to learn all that is true, and share it through our interaction with our local community, our world, our students and all the members of our parish.


Mass Times

Saturday Vigil: 8:00 AM & 5:00 PM

Saturday Mornings:

Adoration:  After the 8:00 AM Mass until noon

Sunday: 7:00 AM, 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM

​Daily Mass:

Monday & Wednesday: 6 PM

Tuesday, Thursday & Friday: 8:00 AM

First Fridays
Adoration from 8:30 AM to 5:25 PM with Mass to follow at 5:30 PM


Saturday after the 8:00 AM Mass and 11:00 AM and by appointment.

Eucharist Adoration: 

Monday and Wednesday 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM

Saturday 8:30 AM to12:00 PM

First Fridays: 8:30 AM to 5:25 PM

Rectory Office Hours: Monday-Friday: 8.00 AM to 4:00 PM

Holy Family Prayer-Tree

Do you Need Prayers, or are you Aware of Anyone in Need of Prayers?

Call Joany
574-233-3162 or email: joanysue@sbcglobal.net

Holy Family CCD Classes
Religious Education 

CCD Religion Classes 
For children of our parish who attend Public School.
Call Holy Family Rectory at 574-282-2317

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